NRW welcomes new Ministerial appointments

Responding to the new Ministerial appointments to the Welsh Government Cabinet today, Chief Executive of NRW Clare Pillman said:

“I extend my warmest congratulations to Julie James and Lee Waters on their appointments to the new climate change ministry and congratulate Lesley Griffiths on her reappointment to the cabinet as Minister for Rural Affairs. I look forward to working closely with them on our joint ambitions to tackle the causes and impacts of the climate and nature emergencies and on the protection of our natural environment.

“I will be seeking to meet with the Ministers at the earliest opportunity to discuss the pressing issues currently facing the environment– particularly on the need to be bolder in our collaborative efforts to manage growing flood risk in Wales, and how the embedding of nature based solutions must form the backbone of our collective mission to deliver a strong and green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

“NRW is ambitious and ready to address the challenges we face during this pivotal time. The First Minister has explicitly said today that the environment will be a consideration in all that the Welsh Government do and I look forward to working with them on the key measures that will help to protect and enhance Wales’ environment for future generations.”  

Chair of Natural Resources Wales, Sir David Henshaw said:

“Congratulations to Lesley Griffiths on her return to the Cabinet as Rural Affairs Minister.  My congratulations also to Julie James and Lee Waters who take on this important portfolio underpinned by Wales’ ambition to reach net zero and to tackling the existential crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

“The key to delivering on these commitments will be to sustain the momentum already generated around the green recovery agenda in Wales. A healthy natural environment is not only important for wildlife but also for the health of society and our economy so it is crucial that that we continue to work with the Welsh Government and other partners to journey towards a recovery where the wellbeing of our people and our planet are aligned with the future health of our economy.

“The environmental sector in Wales is ready to play a leading role in delivering a green recovery and in tackling the climate and nature emergencies in Wales. We look forward to working with the Welsh Government to strengthen Wales’ position as a leading voice on these issues and on how we take the bold, deliberate collaborative action required to deliver a more sustainable future for our nation.”


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