Natural Resources Wales’ Memorandum of Understanding with Welsh Fishermen’s Association

We are pleased to confirm the third iteration of Natural Resources Wales’ (NRW) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Welsh Fishermen’s Association (WFA).

Since 2015, our organisations have worked closely according to the MoU to safeguard the livelihoods of fishers and to look after the natural resources upon which they rely.

The MoU frames a forward looking, positive working relationship with the WFA - the national representative body of the commercial fishing industry. It provides a framework through which we can proactively enhance the delivery of mutual objectives by sharing knowledge and information.

It also provides a mechanism to ensure NRW’s advice on the sustainable management and development of Wales’ natural marine resources is considered in a joined-up way with stakeholders. By doing so, we will make sure that the needs of present generations are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The framework enables us to cooperate, collaborate and engage with one another at the earliest possible opportunity, and work respectfully within our roles and responsibilities. It also helps us to maximise opportunities, promote transparency and to avoid misunderstanding.

As part of the continual agreement, both organisations, will seek to share scientific information so that decisions affecting Wales’s fishing industry can be based on sound evidence.

NRW hold Fisheries Liaison meetings twice a year to drive the ethos of this MoU with wider marine fisheries stakeholders. This iteration of the MoU will run for three years and will be renewed in 2024.

Jim Evans, CEO of the WFA said:

“Trust and respect are fundamental to working relationships and it is true to say that the WFA-CPC and NRW will not always agree on everything, but we are clearly in agreement with the principles of sustainable use and development of the marine environment.

This MoU is an important framework within which to achieve shared objectives led by sound evidence to ensure a sustainable fishing industry for this and future generations of Welsh fishermen and women.”


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