How to apply for a grant

You will need to complete four parts of the online form and upload documents. 

You can find the form contents on this page. It will help you if you prepare your application before entering the online form.  

You will be able to save the form part-way through and continue it later.

Prepare your grant application

If you prepare responses to these sections, you should be ready to start the online application. 

Your reference number

Check that you have a reference number for the grant you want to apply for. You'll need this to enter the online application form. 

Part A: About you

You'll need to tell us about:

  • your name, address and organisation details
  • charity number, VAT number or company registration number, if applicable
  • website address and social media details
  • details of authorised signatories for your organisation
  • confirmation of VAT registration

Documents you may need to upload in Part A

If you are applying as an individual, we will need a:

  • copy of your utility bill to confirm your address
  • certified copy of your passport or driver's licence

If you are applying as a third sector organisation, you will need to upload your governing documents.

Part B: Your proposal

You'll be asked to tell us:

  • your project title
  • costs
  • amount you are requesting from us
  • your project start and end date
  • You must include a description of your project (800 words maximum) including:
    • What you will do and why
    • What the need and demand is
    • Why you are well placed to lead this
    • Who will be involved in the project
    • How any collaboration will strengthen the project
    • How your proposal meets NRW’s objectives for this grant
  • a brief description of whether your project takes an innovative approach (this includes social or technical innovation or the application of existing technology in ways that are new to NRW). You'll need to explain how this adds value to your proposal.
  • where the project will take place - you can upload a map
  • details of any permissions or consents your project needs
  • what evidence you used to develop and design your project
  • what you plan to do and when, what you hope to achieve and how you'll measure progress - this is your detailed project plan
  • why you think the project represents good value for money
  • how your project outcomes will be maintained when the project ends and how you will fund any ongoing costs
  • what will happen if you do not get funding for this project

Documents you may need to upload in Part B

You will need to upload your completed project plan using our template. Find out how to complete the project plan and get a template.

You can upload a map of your project area.

Part C: Delivery and management 

You'll need to tell us:

  • how you will manage the project, whether you have a project manager and how your project board or groups work (250 words maximum)
  • describe the main risks and how you plan to manage them (250 words maximum)
  • how you'll publicise your project (250 words maximum)
  • whether you have any formal delivery partners and their role within the project
  • how people from diverse backgrounds and all abilities have the opportunity to take part in your project (250 words maximum)
  • how your project would promote the use of Welsh and encourage good bilingual practice (250 words maximum)

Documents you may need to upload in Part C

  • If you have formal delivery partners, you will need to upload a copy of any signed agreement.
  • Your equality and diversity policy, if you have one. 

Part D: Funding

  • To help us confirm there are no issues of double funding, in this section you need to tell us about other funding you’ve had confirmed for this project, including:

    • whether you have received any funding from a public body that qualifies as subsidy control (formerly state aid) in the last three years and upload your subsidy control declaration if applicable
    • details on agri-environment funding on any of the sites covered by your project
    • details on any other sources of funding you have received/applied for this project

Documents you will need to upload in Part D

  • You will need to upload your completed breakdown of projects costs using our template. Find out how to complete the costs breakdown and get a template.
  • If you are a newly formed organisation of less than 6 months and do not have a set of accounts we'll need:
    • the last three months bank statements and bank reconciliation, or
    • a letter from their bank confirming you have opened an account
  • If you're applying as an individual, we'll need your last 3 months bank statements
  • A procurement policy, if you have one
  • Your subsidy control declaration, if applicable
  • If you have micro company accounts or your statutory accounts are more than 6 months old, we'll need your management accounts 

Declaration of interest

Please confirm if you or anyone responsible in signing/approving your application is related or connected to any officer/employee/Board Member of NRW and if ‘yes’ provide details.

Confirmation checklist

Tick the boxes to proceed to the final page and enter the email address you would like a copy of your application sent to.

Start your application online


After you apply

We'll let you know if your application is successful within four months of receiving a complete application.

If we need more information from you we'll be in touch.

If your application is successful, we'll send you an award letter. It'll tell you how much we'll pay you and when.

Competition for our funding is high and we receive many more requests than we are able to support.

If your application is unsuccessful, we will let you know the general reason why. We are unable to provide specific feedback on every application.

Submitting progress reports

We'll ask you to send us regular reports throughout the project so that we can release the funding to you. We'll agree reporting periods with you based on your grant delivery plan.

This is for you to tell us about your project's performance and progress.

At the end of the project, you'll need to send us a final report. 

We may also evaluate your project three years after it ends. This is for you to tell us how your project is delivering on longer term changes you may have told us about.

If you need help

Get in touch with us at any stage of your application if you feel lost or unsure what to do next.


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Last updated