Grant applications: using and promoting the Welsh language

Projects that receive NRW grant funding will need to provide and publish information in both Welsh and English.

Providing information bilingually helps promote the project across all communities in Wales, engages people in their language of choice and treats both languages equally from the start.

What you must produce in Welsh and English

If you produce any of the following, they must be in both Welsh and English:

  • Letters
  • Posters
  • Leaflets
  • Newsletters
  • Adverts
  • Website
  • Films
  • A formal report about the project

What you may need to deliver bilingually

Your project may involve some promotion work including:

  • dealing with public enquiries
  • giving interviews to media/social media
  • giving presentations
  • working with schools, vulnerable or disabled people

If so, you'll need to consider the linguistic nature of the community and the audience you'll be working with, or hope to reach. Think about whether you need a Welsh speaker to deliver elements of your project bilingually.

Include costs in your project budget

When you apply for grant funding, you'll need to include the costs of working bilingually in your project budget. These could be for translating:

  • public/promotional materials
  • websites or web designers
  • adverts (including job adverts)
  • meetings and public events

Get help from Helo Blod

Helo Blod is a free service to help businesses and voluntary organisations to work bilingually. They can help with:

  • free translation of up to 500 words per month
  • proofreading up to 1,000 words per year
  • advice on making websites bilingual
  • provide general advice and guidance on using Welsh
  • providing “Work Welsh” lanyards, badges and posters to promote Welsh language use

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Last updated