Embedding Carbon Positive in NRW

Tackling our organisation’s carbon impact requires action beyond the Project itself, eg by our staff and contractors.

The Carbon Positive project is seeking to embed best practice carbon management across the organisation to realise maximum decarbonisation.

Changing the way we work

'Embedding' Carbon Positive into NRW will involve incorporating best practice in carbon management into how we deliver our work - changing our practices, processes and culture where necessary to deliver our work without carbon impact.

Through working with key staff across the organisation we will identify and empower delivery leads to embed Carbon Positive across the organisation and drive forward our ambitions for decarbonisation.

Planning future delivery

As part of this embedding work, the outputs of the evaluation of mitigation options will be used to develop an internal costed, prioritised plan for future delivery of mitigation options identified for NRW.

The report on evaluating mitigation options will outline how we built our plan for implementing the measures identified.



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